Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Thoughts of the day - The tale of little rabbit

                 Little rabbit was an extraordinary rabbit, and a very popular one at that, especially with the bunny girls -everyone followed his every burrow. In the evening when he sat outside his home with his bunny girls, everyone would watch him quietly nibbling and sometimes listen to one of his bunny stories.He was famous over the hillsides, emulated and admired -all felt that he was very close and privy to the wisdom of big Bunny( whom they thought lived high up on the far mountain beyond ) and perhaps he did. However, suddenly( and somewhat mysteriously,) little rabbit died! What a  commotion over the whole of bunny-land ! All the bunnies were in a state of shock and deep mourning. Offerings were laid by his mound - leaves and thousands of bunny droppings. How sad the evenings were now without the tales and quiet commanding presence of little rabbit. However, a few weeks later, little rabbit appeared to them on the hillside, surrounded by a mysterious light. Everybun came from miles around, ( including a few badgers and foxes). .Thus spoke little rabbit " You silly, silly bunnies! Burrowing does not stop.And no bunny is better or cleverer than another, we all have our important place in the bunny world and more importantly, we are ALL big Bunny- he is not outside us !" And with that, all the bunnies understood what little rabbit, all along was trying to tell them- and they burrowed, copulated and nibbled on- happily forever.

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