Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Thought of the day continued , see Feb uary thought of the day.,Thought of the week maybe ?.


                           Thinking  about the idea  of mindfullnesss - There is a school of zen that talks about big mind and little mind .I think that little mind stole a space from big mind . After all there cannot be two minds - I mean that is schizophrenia isnt it ?>There can be only ONE MIND Little mind said, look, ,I am the boss now - I think, threfore I am  . Big mind looked on with compassion - big mind needed little mind  in some ways -Ramana maharshi (* the great sage of south India ) said- seek the source of the I, ask the question - who am I- and then you will come to the source of the false I. One cannot fight the I, one only needs to realise its source, and abide there. The great philosopher of our time- J Krishnamurti called this state -awareness .

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thought of the day

          Thinking about the buddhist word mindfulness-in a way , it seems a wrong word , why ? Because  we Westerners spend most of our time in the mind . However one could say , being mindful of the mind . Why ? because our thinking divides us from reality - instead of being PRESENT in mindfulness we are often elsewhere in our thoughts Instead of enjoying our breakfast we are " on line " Instead of ------being with someone or enjoying a landscape the veil of words comes between .