Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Learning from Nature

1 comment:

  1. Schin op Geul 25-1-2015 we are all part of this mysterious world, are nt we. Some are aware of synchronicity, of serendipity, of miracles in every day life. We met this week. You went to the dentist, I went to visit a very old friend of 86. And all of that happened in Zutphen of all places. You had not changed that much. And apart from my silver hair you recognized me. You had a beer, I drank my tea. You were the same wizzard, and i was the same rascal, but than 20 years later. But time does not exist in this world of trouvailles. I read your blog. I see your art and writing. So very much YOU. Your handwriting, your creativity, your imagination. And that s all what counts . Authenticity. Look on my website and se what happened in the meanwhile. It s in fact nit omportant. It s mo longer my identity. I live my life from human doing towards human being. The process of letting go goes on and makes me free at last.
